
How To Put Nail Foil Art Onto Polymer Clay Tutorial

I wanted to practise a video tutorial on how to apply holographic polish considering many people tend to surrender on holos because they use patchy. But they are SOOO pretty, don't give up!! lol

The key to working with holographic smoothen is how you agree the brush (this tip is also adept for any polish). You want to go along the castor apartment on the nail and slowly drag it downwardly, using the tip of the brush to apply the smoothen can cause streaks and baldheaded patches ( specially if you lot become over an area multiple times).

Base coats*:

i. Using a shine buffer to create a super shiny surface (recommend past Layla equally the correct base).

  •  not but does this let the polish to keep very smoothly information technology also give the polish a natural loftier shine once dry out without the use of a top glaze.
  • this doesn't dull the holo at all, in fact it creates more of a holo effect because the surface of your nail is so smoothen.

2. Using an "adhesive" base coat.

  • I DO Non recommend using an adhesive type base glaze to apply holos. Why? Because the polish "sticks" to the base coat, but only in certain spots. The result is a very patchy awarding that will need multiple coats in order to even out the color.
  • I'yard non certain why but this did seem to ho-hum the look of the holo, yous can even so see the rainbow but it's non as vibrant as it could be.

3. 2 in one one top/base coat.

  • again I had troubles with the holo applying very patchy over the base coat, so basically I would avoid using Whatever type of base glaze under your holographic polishes.
  • and again I did notice a slight dulling of the holo with this ane as well.

four. Height coat as base coat (whatsoever shiny top coat volition work, even a quick dry).

  • the application was similar to using the smoothen buffer, information technology went on smooth and even.
  • much similar using the shine buffer this didn't dull the holo, simply unlike the polish buffer this didn't go out a high shine to the smooth once it was dry.

5. Base coat + colour.

  • if you lot want to intensify or slightly change the color of your holo this is the perfect fashion to apply.
  • if your colour polish dries matte, utilise a shiny topcoat before applying the holo.
  • this is my favorite way to use holographic polish because you can take the holo colour you love and brand information technology better!

on the left is Mercury Twilight on it's own and on the right is Mercury Twilight over Essie No Place Like Chrome. The deviation is slight merely noticeable, gives the rainbows a more vibrant advent. Using a colour nether your holo also allow you to use less of your holographic smoothen because you don't need to build up the color on it's own.

*note: base glaze must be completely dry before applying your holo. If y'all notice that there is no rainbow issue that means your base glaze was not dry before you applied the holo. Simply DRY holographic smooth volition have rainbows.

And before anyone asks, I don't ain Aquabase then I can't comment on it. I volition say from what I've heard information technology takes forever to dry (like 30 minutes) just does create a great base for holos.

Top coats:

I prefer no elevation coat only I know many people desire to employ a height coat over their holo, and then hither'southward what I recommend…

one. Sally Hansen Insta Dri (clear triangular bottle).

  • not sure what it is about this summit coat but information technology's recommended by a lot of people to employ over holos because, once dry, it doesn't have any dulling effect.
  • I didn't notice any dulling consequence and tin say this is a good choice to use over holos.

2. Sally Hansen Insta Dri (ruby canteen) (basically any quick dry out elevation coat).

  • this does take a slight dulling effect. I don't recommend using a quick dry out tiptop glaze over holos.

3,4,5. ii in i elevation/base coat, $$ top glaze (Orly Polished) and $ top coat ( WnW Wild Shine)

  • these 3 gave well-nigh the same results: minor dulling compared to the Emerge Hansen Insta Dri (clear triangular bottle), much less than a quick dry.

Now if you're wondering why dulling is then of import and why I want to avert it, the reason is elementary: these are the most expensive polishes I ain. At nearly $16 I want to become what I paid for and non practise anything that'southward going to lessen the effect I'm looking to reach.

If you lot desire to add together a meridian coat to extend the habiliment your your holo mani you can as well practice a top coat "sandwich". After applying your meridian glaze let information technology dry so add another thin coat of your holo polish. This will give you all the holo effect along with extended wear.

That being said my become-to application is: base coat (of choice), 1-2 coats of color polish(I like to use a color the same as the base color of my holo), followed by 2 coats of my holo polish, no top coat.

At present I must say that this post doesn't necessarily apply to all holographic polishes. There are some (like the new Color Social club Halo Hues) in which you tin use whatever base of operations coat you like and a meridian coat doesn't effect them. Non all holos are created equal so if you find your holographic polishes are tricky to apply, this may help you out. =)


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